Tom Sweeney - Secretary
Tom Sweeney has over 14 years’ experience in logistics management and startup operations. He has held numerous positions with the following companies: Menlo Worldwide Logistics- Electrolux, GE Polymerland, Cardinal Logistics-Textron Automotive Corp., Stevedoring Services of America and East Coast Terminals. Prior to assuming his current position as Vice President of Operations, he was the logistics manager for the largest manufacturing facility of kitchen ranges in North America. Throughout his career he has developed cost cutting strategies that have saved companies millions in freight costs. He developed logistic software programs which resulted in the optimization of communication between company departments. In addition to his U.S experience, Tom was a member of a team of U.S. consultants who, in 1996, established the largest container terminal in the country of Panama (Manzanillo International Terminal). Tom received a BBA in Logistics & Intermodal Transportation from Georgia Southern University and an AS in Business from Middle Georgia College and was a charter member and Secretary of the Delta Nu Alpha. Military experience: Naval Reserve, Supply Chief Petty Officer 2nd class, Georgia National Guard, Specialist 4th class for a total of eight years.